Break up

This is the only world I am very concern about .. Most of the people think break up is lovers patent and of course they won't be called lovers anymore .. But it's different in my view , 'break up' is a 7 letter intransitive verb which means disorganised , disintegrate , dissolve a particular feel. Simply it is giving up, there is a bond between everything.. I said everything becoz everything is made up an atom. There is link between everything .. Good and bad , likes and dislikes everything all you need to do is finding a logic not give up any relation. It will be very interesting , u don't want to look at a mirror when it is broken, you don't like your mobile when it is broke , you don't use broken utensils , u cannot be stable with broken heart (feel) , enjoy this relation of everything not giving up . if u r very angry don't show it on your pet or flower pot ... Not even on humans... I have an idea people who enjoys the feels can understand this ..jùs enjoy your anger, have that kick ...don't give up the bond .. Finally the only word you will feel happy in this entire article is conclusion.. Don't brk up with anything bcoz giving up is death and sin .


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