
Several cafes all over the world have a very simple tradition - that of a 'suspended coffee', where a customer can pay for an extra coffee in advance. If you are wondering who this pending coffee would go to - a poor person would walk in and ask if there is a pending coffee available or "sospeso" in Italian, where the tradition is said to have begun, would be served that coffee. How an Italian tradition turned into a global act of kindness is not clear. But it is evident that even the simplest of gestures can make someone's day, and sometimes more. Kindness is one of the most fundamental traits of being human. And today happens to be World Kindness Day. A day where we can focus on the goodness of people, and when we can overlook our differences to just be...kind. So, be kind to someone today. And here's hoping they pay it forward in another act of kindness.


Parthu said…
Great article
Anonymous said…
Thanks bro...!!
Maplemandarin said…
A tradition of sharing makes the world a better place.

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