There was once a very popular Zen Master, due to his virtue and his skillful delivery of the talk. There happened to be a thief among his students. This person would steal things once in a while. Every time he was caught, the Zen Master would counsel him & then ask the students to forgive him. This went on for a while until the students got sick of this thief. On one particular day, a leader, representing the students, issued an ultimatum to the Zen Master. Either he expels the thief or the entire class would leave. The Zen Master answered, “Then all of you, please leave”. He then explained to the shocked crowd, “All of you know that stealing is wrong, but he doesn’t. If I don’t teach him, who will? This man needs my guidance and my love more than any one of you. If I have to lose all of you to keep him, let this be the case”. The thief was so touched by this that he started to cry. From that day on, he never stole again.

A true Mentor will understand who needs to learn and who needs the teaching. 


I do not claim any originality, but I have shaped them in such a way to make everyone can easily understand any story. I respect all the comments, corrections, and upgrades from the readers openly.


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