I have started running from the nightmares that are chasing me...!! 
Yes... It was 12 am 

I need someone who can 
Collect the pieces of my broken heart and turn them into beautiful art or a medal for the bravery in all the wars I fought.

Now it was 1 AM...  Still, I see stars but dark everywhere... 
Hurting me...
hunting me... 
That silence is the supersonic boom that I can merely tolerate ...  But 

I need someone who can be the moon of my sky and the little whisper of my name in ears making me believe the magic spells. 

When it was 2 AM.

I was blind to see the torch of the northern lights... I am down, whining like a wolf to exhibit my pain of the block and black world.

Though I felt Iike 

I need someone who can 
Paint all the beautiful colours to my faded rainbow and bring back the sunlight and rain together n forever. 

It was 3 AM...

 I am done with running from the nightmares,by then every beat of my heart made me tired and submitted...
At those times...

All I need is someone who can 
Kiss me at 3AM to make sure I have those beautiful dreams in their arms. 

I need someone who can be my pillow...
Someone who can calm down my pounding heart with a hug. 
Someone who can stop my whine with one whisper. 
Someone who can be mine.


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