Ripped Heart


You Cannot Understand the reason why I am gone ..!! 

But Will Never Leave you again. 

I am there to keep you strong ..!!

Talk to me, I am Listening...

Though you may not see ..!!

We share an unbroken bond...

Even when you are under the cold & Dark Nights, I wish to be with you...


You were never there for me to make me laugh when I cried in the silence...!!! 

I missed you every day...!!

I hide my tears when I say your name...

But the pain in my heart is still the same. 

Although I Smile and seem carefree, There is no one who misses you more than me...

The Moment you left me, my heart was devastated, ripped in despair by splitting into two. 

One which is filled with memories you left with me and the other which I made to make more love for you. 

No Matter how it ripped me apart when I parted with you, there's still a brewing hope somewhere in the corner of my heart, that begs me to finish the last few sentences of our story and put a full stop. 

But Whenever I want to finish those sentences, all the memories will come back alive and the story will never have a full stop like the love I have for you ...


Love Never Ends...


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